At Riverside Primary School, we aim to create happy, highly-skilled historians. Our creative approach inspires children’s curiosity to investigate the past and the impact it has had in helping to shape the world we live in today.
History units are taught in chronological order, informed by the National Curriculum, providing children with a knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past, as well as a wider understanding of the world around them.
The history curriculum is carefully planned to ensure progression across the school. Current learning is linked to previous learning through the development of the main five historical concepts - this helps children to make connections and draw contrasts.
Teachers carefully consider planning to ensure that key knowledge and vocabulary are taught and embedded, with cross-curricular links identified across multiple subjects to ensure a more contextual learning.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for children to develop an ‘Understanding of the World’ through broad exploration of the following aspects; People and Communities, The World and Technology.
Letters to the troops on the battlefield WWII
Roman Day Year 4